Saturday, February 23, 2008

My mom and I....Circa 1983

I was at my parent's house today and I was going through a bunch of old pictures. I came across one of my favorites from when I was a baby. My mom is 27 in this picture. It's crazy how much I look like her when she was younger. It's also amazing to think that I will soon be starting a family of my own. I can only hope my daughter and I have as good of a relationship as my mom and I do. This picture says it all....Love you mom!


Kathy - The Inspired Place said...

How sweet! I love that picture of us - it's one of my favorite! How I missed those days of rocking you to sleep every night when you were a baby. Love you tons! Mom

Kristy Sola said...

That is sooooo cute Kym,I cant take it. Look how hot your mom is,haha. You do look soo much like her. What a cute and happy baby you were. Can't belive how light your hair is. Miss you and Lova ya.